Your Money Lives & Grows
Pensions, Investments, Insurance, Mortgages with Tax planning advice
Financial Advice For All Generations
Here at Oasis Wealth, we offer a wide range of services that come with the same promise of high quality, commitment, and transparency. Oasis Wealth has a team of advisers who work closely with tax specialists who both have a vast amount of experience enabling them to give invaluable advice on how to generate more money. Rest assured you are dealing with an honest and accountable company. No matter what your financial needs are. we can advise on a diverse range of products.
Growing your cash: Advise you on your investments, selecting funds with the aim of maximising returns on your investments based on your attitude to risk
Tax savings: We offer advice to ensure you take advantage of tax relief - where this is available (this can mean 20-45% tax relief where applicable)
Inheritance tax planning: We provide specialist advice to ensure you minimise the 40% tax you pay on death
Protection: We can get you essential life and medical insurance so you’re fully protected
Note: The value of investments and the income they produce can fall as well as rise, you may get back less than you invested.
Tax treatment varies according to individual circumstance and is subject to change.
The guidance and/or information contained within this website is subject to the UK regulatory regime and is therefore targeted at consumers based in the UK.
Approver Quilter Financial Services Limited & Quilter Mortgage Planning Limited 22 December 2022
A 5% return per year will double your money in 15 years. However a 1% return per year will take you 70 years.
Products we can advise on: We can offer you pensions, investments, ISAs, mortgages and insurance.
Plan your financial future: Talk with our qualified financial experts to discuss your financial goals and how to achieve them - in order to get the life you want.
Protect you and your loved ones: Make sure you are protected through vital life and medical insurance.
Call us today on 020 3818 9520 or complete our short enquiry form by clicking on the form button below and we'll be pleased to help you.
Quilter Financial Planning Network (part of Quilter Plc)
Oasis Wealth is part of the Quilter Financial Planning network. Quilter Financial Planning itself is part of Quilter Plc which is one of the leading providers of advice, investments and wealth management, managing over a hundred billion of investments. Quilter plc is listed in the UK on the FTSE 250 index.